Library Blogs

Showing 621 - 630 of 1827 items
Overcooked 2 logo
  • Val Waldron
As the Winter term comes to an end, we like to take a look back and see which games were most popular in the archive over the course of the year. We take a look at our top 10 games over the Winter term, with FIFA being played about 3 times as often as anything else. We also have a few new games that have taken off, including Spider-Man, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and the surprise couch co-op hit, Overcooked 2. Looking at our top 10 list over the Fall and Winter semester, we see some similarities, with FIFA taking the lead and Mario Kart making the list as well. In addition, Rock Band 3 made it on the list for the first time in quite awhile.
  • Meghan Kate Brody
Graduating senior Meggie Brody shares what she learned from working in a variety of positions at U-M Library, and says, "If I can leave future U-M students with one piece of advice, it would be this: don’t be afraid to ask."
  • Cassidy Holli Konrad
Design Lab Audio Intern Holli Konrad reflects on what she's learned through her work at the Lab.
  • Christopher Karounos
I attended a workshop put on by the Wolverinesoft student development club on programming your own graphics for video games on February 14th. That’s right, Valentines Day. It could not be a more appropriate date because it was a lovely workshop put on by David Degazio; a passionate, intelligent and gregarious student leader in Wolverinesoft.
  • Laura Lisbona
A few weeks ago I attended one of the Community Nights we have in the Shapiro Design Lab each week. At each event, a Design Lab staff member workshops an activity for the rest of the lab. In the past, these presentations have included everything from citizen science to meditation. On this particular night, Jeff had all of us work together to build Nintendo LABO toys.
  • Stefanie Marie Reamer
For the past two years, I have been a member of a design team called Michigan Neuroprosthetics. We design and 3D print prosthetics for pediatric patients. The team has been around for three years. We base ourselves out of the Shapiro Design Lab.
  • Cassidy Holli Konrad
Design Lab Audio Intern discusses the software program Vocaloid and how she uses it.
Image of a bust of Aristotle next to a quote from him "It is the characteristic of the magnanimous man to ask no favor but to be ready to do kindness to others."
  • Anna Ercoli Schnitzer
Anna Ercoli Schnitzer, Disability Issue and Outreach Librarian at the Taubman Health Sciences Library speaks on the importance of kindness to others in order to reach a deeper level of understanding as individuals.
  • Aaron Chow
A guide to to help you make sure that large flat surfaces print correctly.
Box of Zip disks
  • Christina Min
The click of death and more fun with Zip disks!