Val Waldron
Library Blogs
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for Date: July 2013
It's that time again! Hard to imagine that we need to start hiring for the Fall already, but the Summer goes by quickly. Feel free to share the job posting below. Our deadline for applying for the Fall semester will be on August 15th.
Today we hosted a dance-off in which a professor-who-will-remain-nameless challenged her students to compete with her using the video game Dance Central 2.
Here is our list of most popular games in the archive from June. Smash is back on the list now that it's open to play anytime for the Spring/Summer semesters, and Final Fantasy IX makes an appearance due to the efforts of one student trying to get through it this Summer. Our Arcade Legends Cabinet is also getting a lot of attention, probably due to the number of tours and class sessions taking place in the archive last month.