Library Blogs

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Results for Date: April 2010
  • Val Waldron
The author of gives his opinion on the recent discussion, debated in various areas of the press, regarding the question, "Do video games count as art?"
  • David S Carter
Cnet has the scoop on two new Boy Scout awards (a belt loop and an academic pin) relating to video games: "Boy Scouts to get video game awards."
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
  • David S Carter
After today we move to summer hours in the archive: Noon - 7pm, Mon - Fri.Also, we say goodbye to Sarah Raezler, one of our student workers, who is graduating with her MSI. Congratulations Sarah!
2-story Rock Band
  • David S Carter
We had a great time Tuesday afternoon at the 2-Story Rock Band event! The staff of the Video & Performance Studio did a fantastic job setting up the space. In addition to the giant screen behind the performers, there were two large side screens and a monitor screen showing the game, plus two cameras projecting live feeds of the players on large screens as well. With the lighting effects and big sound, it was a Rock Band experience like no other!
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
  • David S Carter
Tuesday, April 20th (the last day of classes), 4-6pm. 2-Story Rock Band in the Duderstadt Center Video & Performance Studio. Play Rock Band on a giant screen!
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
  • David S Carter
We've published a new LibGuide for Video Game Studies. It covers "the academic analysis of various aspects of computer, console, arcade, and Internet games," from both social science and humanities perspectives. This guide was created by Ben Nanamaker, one of our University Library Associates here at the AAEL.