Library Blogs

Showing 641 - 650 of 1842 items
  • Stefanie Marie Reamer
For the past two years, I have been a member of a design team called Michigan Neuroprosthetics. We design and 3D print prosthetics for pediatric patients. The team has been around for three years. We base ourselves out of the Shapiro Design Lab.
  • Cassidy Holli Konrad
Design Lab Audio Intern discusses the software program Vocaloid and how she uses it.
Image of a bust of Aristotle next to a quote from him "It is the characteristic of the magnanimous man to ask no favor but to be ready to do kindness to others."
  • Anna Ercoli Schnitzer
Anna Ercoli Schnitzer, Disability Issue and Outreach Librarian at the Taubman Health Sciences Library speaks on the importance of kindness to others in order to reach a deeper level of understanding as individuals.
  • Aaron Chow
A guide to to help you make sure that large flat surfaces print correctly.
Box of Zip disks
  • Christina Min
The click of death and more fun with Zip disks!
  • Bruna Carolina Iunessanches
Design Lab Resident Bruna Iunessanches reflects on attending an Accessible Gaming workshop.
  • Carol Zhang
Design Lab Intern Carol Zhang discusses the importance of self-care through frosting cookies.
  • Laura Lisbona
Design Lab Resident Laura Lisbona discusses her work with adaptive gaming.
  • Carol Zhang
Design Lab Intern Carol Zhang discusses a recent workshop on how students study, and how they could study better.
  • Kayla Williams
Design Lab Student Developer Kayla Williams reflects on learning about the Django web framework.