Library Blogs

Showing 1731 - 1740 of 1821 items
  • Jeremy York
A major milestone for the HathiTrust partners was reached on April 27, 2009 as we released a temporary beta catalog for the digital library, offering bibliographic search (title, author, subject, ISBN, publisher, and year of publication) and faceted browse of all items in HathiTrust. The catalog is built using the open source VuFind software and is temporary, pending the release of permanent catalog to be built by OCLC in conjunction with a HathiTrust partner team.
  • David S Carter
After a long absence, the HP Blackbird 002 is back up and running, so you all can play your PC games again!
  • David S Carter
The archive will be on reduced hours for the spring/summer. Starting April 27, the archive will be open M-F Noon - 7pm.
  • David S Carter
This weekend's On the Media show from NPR has a segment about the rise of independent console game developers: "DIY Gaming"
  • David S Carter
We finally got an ethernet line run down next to the large flat panel display. The Xbox 360 is online and ready to go (though the PS3 still doesn't connect properly). So if you want to play online Halo 3 on the large 46" screen, you can! We also added a new Nintendo DSi this week, for your handheld gaming pleasure.
  • David S Carter
Little power surges/spikes were running through campus today, including the Duderstadt Center where the game archive lives. The only thing we seem to have lost is one of the base stations for the remote headphones; it still charges, but no longer gets a signal from the tv. Luckily we have a couple of back-up base stations, so all is well.
  • David S Carter
The Computer & Video Game Archive now has a page on facebook; become a fan at
  • Suzanne E Chapman
The Creative Commons blog has a great interview with Molly Kleinman, our Copyright Specialist.
  • David S Carter
During U-M's 'spring' break, Feb 23 - Feb 27, the archive will be open only for the hours of Noon - 5pm.
  • David S Carter
Today's Michigan Daily (the student newspaper) has an article about the class Education 222: Videogames & Learning, taught by Prof. Barry Fishman (who is on our advisory committee for the archive): "Gaming in the classroom? New class says yes."