David S Carter
Library Blogs
Showing 1771 - 1780 of 1821 items
Despite our having done hardly any publicity, the student newspaper, The Michigan Daily, found out about the video game archive and sent a reporter to do a story: "Library opens video game archive."
Here's a list of the hardware that we have so far. The one major piece of equipment that has been ordered but hasn't arrived yet is an HP Blackbird 002, for computer gaming. The best way to see which games we have available is to consult Mirlyn, by doing a command search.
We opened for the first time this afternoon! Here's our impromptu sign and a few more pictures.
We've started moving things into the game archive room, in the anticipation of opening up next week. Here are a few photos - More to come!
I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but an AP article summarizes a report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project that says that 97% of all American teenagers play video games.The study looks at teens' video game habits, as well as the effect that game playing has on their civil engagement.
Assuming that nothing surprising happens (knock on wood...) I hope that we'll be able to open the Computer & Video Game Archive by the end of September. It will be a soft open, for a few hours on weekday afternoons as we get used to things and figure out how to run the place. We'll no doubt expand hours as we go along, and plan on having a Grand Opening Extravataganza sometime in mid-November.
Got a nice box of donations this morning, full of Nintendo stuff: Nintendo 64, with controllers & games, etc.
Start the new year with a look at some Historical Advice to Undergrads. Covering the period from 1856 to 1941, these guides, handbooks, and (let's be frank) sermons offer advice on scheduling your time, choosing appropriate courses, being popular, and remaining virtuous in the face of the temptations that will surround you on campus.
MBooks is becoming HathiTrust. See the HathiTrust website for more information. Roy Tennant has already commented.
The wall for our Computer & Video Game Archive room was installed yesterday afternoon. Here are a few pictures.