Library Blogs

Showing 11 - 15 of 15 items
Results for Date: February 2015
  • Kate Foster Hutchens
Arthur Miller, Marge Piercy, and...Grandma? They might all be shelved together amid these stately gray volumes.
Person sitting at a desk using screen magnification software.
  • Colin Smith Fulton
The University of Michigan Library is working hard to improve the accessibility of all our websites. This brings up a simple question: what does it mean to make a website accessible?
The custom ASIC chip inside the original Apple Newton H1000
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
This inaugural post of Bits and Pieces answers the age old questions: What is digital preservation? Why are you writing about it? Who the heck are you?
cover of Modern Garde Manger
  • Lisa Campbell
In this eye-opening guide to professional food preparation, you'll braid fish fillets, sculpt dough cornucopias, and turn watermelons into shoes.
  • Val Waldron
The popularity of FIFA in the archive continues to amaze. It was played 84 times in January, compared to #2 in our list of most popular games below, which was played only 34 times. Quite the disparity for one game franchise. We were also happy to see some new titles make the list, not to mention a good turnout of the current gen consoles. It doesn't look like the Xbox 360 will be falling out of favor anytime soon, though.