Library Blogs

Showing 1 - 10 of 1839 items
Students perusing a table full of books wrapped in paper bag material.
  • Alyssa Simone Wakefield
Library Student Ambassadors invited students to blindly choose their next read.
bucolic scene of cattle among trees by the edge of a stream
  • Juli McLoone
Join us next Thursday, 20 February, between 4-6p for our next Third Thursdays at the Library event of the semester!
Illustration of a hand holding a magnifying glass over a stack of four colorful books with bookmarks.
  • Suzan Karabakal
This blog post explores the challenges faced by novice users of the University of Michigan's Library Search interface, drawing on user research conducted with undergraduate students and librarians. The research aimed to understand how students approach library searches, to identify their pain points, and learn how they navigate the Everything results page. By gaining insights into these areas, the research aimed to identify opportunities for improvement and inform the design of more user-friendly library search tools.
  • Rachel Woodbrook
This Bits & Pieces blog post talks about the Detroit Metro Area Communities Study (DMACS) and its expansion, the Michigan Metro Area Communities Study (MIMACS), and their initial releases of closed-ended response data via the U-M Library's Deep Blue Data platform.
toneCarrier Film Carrier
  • Aryan Mistry
toneCarrier Film Carrier
Ton Broos holding a framed copy of a Dutch pamphlet standing next to curator, Pablo Alvarez
  • Katrina Klaphake
Inspired by his passion for Dutch language and culture, Ton Broos left a legacy of academic excellence and cultural preservation through funds that bring the past to the present.
Touch ID Key Board
  • Nathan Fallahi
A 3D printed case for the Touch ID component of an Apple Magic Keyboard.
3D Printing Design
  • Evangelina Gordon Prouty
You Can Creat Any Characters' Headpiece from Scratch!
Corner Angle-Printed Black Color Expandable Modular Synth Case in Action
  • Alvin Hill
Printing a custom case for my modular synth
Cover of Ithaca by Claire North
  • Vicki J Kondelik
Ithaca is the first of a trilogy of feminist retellings of The Odyssey, focusing on Odysseus' wife Penelope. She is presented as a strong ruler of the island kingdom of Ithaca during her husband's absence. When the island is attacked by pirates, Penelope organizes an army of women to fight them. At the same time, she has to put up with her many suitors and her sulky teenage son Telemachus.