Ken Varnum
Library Blogs
Showing 1651 - 1660 of 1823 items
The Proxy Server Bookmarklet (originally released in September 2009, and described in the post titled Proxy Server Bookmarklet for iPhone) has been updated to include instructions for using it on an iPad, as well as on an iPod Touch or iPhone. Installation is now a bit simpler than it was since the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch now allow copying and pasting.
In celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Pac-Man, for the next two days Google has transformed its logo into a playable version of Pac-Man.
UM-Flint offers a game development track in their Computer Science program, which is picking up steam amongst other departments, such as their Nursing program, where they are using educational games to teach their students. Students from a number of departments are getting involved in the game development, including the Computer Science, Nursing, Biology, Communication and Visual Arts departments.
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
The CVGA is featured in an article today on "University of Michigan Computer and Video Game Archive offers old-school gaming experience."
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
The author of gives his opinion on the recent discussion, debated in various areas of the press, regarding the question, "Do video games count as art?"
Cnet has the scoop on two new Boy Scout awards (a belt loop and an academic pin) relating to video games: "Boy Scouts to get video game awards."
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.