Library Blogs

Showing 1611 - 1620 of 1824 items
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week. Yes, we now have Halo: Reach and NCAA Football 11. Which answers about 90% of the questions we get asked daily. Enjoy.
  • David S Carter
Courtesy of the Website Elder-Geek here's The Insane Console History Video 2.0, a long (over 23 minutes!) slide show of nearly every home video game system ever. We obviously have a long way to go in the archive!
  • David S Carter
Last week we added the new PlayStation Move to the archive. The Move is the motion control system for the PS3, basically their answer to the Nintendo Wii, along with the bundled launch game Sports Champions (more Move-compatible games are on the way...)
  • Ken Varnum
Our Articles search is now even better. The University of Michigan Library is now using Serials Solutions Summon article discovery tool for the new improved ArticlesPlus tool. Now, when you search the ArticlesPlus tab on the library web site, you are searching across 190 million full-text and citation-only records available to the University of Michigan community through the University of Michigan Library.
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week.
  • David S Carter
On this day back in 1889 Fusajiro Yamauchi founded Nintendo in order to manufacture playing cards.121 years later, it has all led to this.
  • Val Waldron
Today we're here to mourn the passing of a good friend, who has been with us at the archive through hours and hours each day - through delighted cheers, pangs of terrible disappointment, and moments of rising up through nearly unbeatable odds and attempting the impossible.
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last week. Trauma Team is getting ever more popular, and has some pretty great reviews, mostly praising how much more achievable it is in comparison to some of its more complicated predecessors. The stories behind some of the characters are fairly engaging as well.
  • Kat Hagedorn
The Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) has created and hosted a very large number of digital collections over the last 10+ years. We have been working for many years to integrate those collections into MLibrary services, and we are now ready to present the next link in this chain-- a more easily navigable and more fully featured list of these collections.
Mario and Luigi
Authored by Ben Nanamaker: I'm not sure how I missed this, but yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the release of Super Mario Bros. Although Mario appeared in games prior to Super Mario Brothers - 1981's Donkey Kong, 1982's Donkey Kong Junior (which featured Mario as a villain!), and 1983's Mario Bros. (which introduced Luigi) - it was Super Mario Bros. that made Mario world-famous and saved the video game industry.