Library Blogs

Showing 1301 - 1310 of 1842 items
University of Michigan Library search
  • Jodee J Jernigan
Search is the cornerstone of the library website, and the primary goal of our online presence: to help users find resources and information so that they can do their work.
Bull's head watermark in Isl. Ms. 836
  • Evyn Kropf
This Wednesday's watermark feature: bull's head motifs in watermarked papers from the Islamic Manuscripts Collection
Close-up photograph of someone typing on typewriter
  • Juli McLoone
Feeling nostalgic for print-forms gone by? Or eagerly seeking the next production medium for your postmodern creativity? Either way, come join the Harlequin Creature typing bee in the gallery of Hatcher Graduate Library on Wednesday, February 18th from 11:30am-4:30pm.
Cover of The Book of Madness and Cures by Regina O'Melveny
  • Vicki J Kondelik
The Book of Madness and Cures is a beautifully-written novel about a female doctor's journey through 16th century Europe and northern Africa.
A plate of chocolate macaroons on a wooden table
  • Jacqueline L Jacobson
Historic American recipes for chocolate baked goods are much less intense than modern ones.19th and early 20th century American recipes for chocolate cakes and cookies, such as this month's recipe from Emma Francis Voris' ca.1893 New Columbian White House Cookery are quite mild.
Louis Troncet. Arithmographe Troncet. Pour les quatre opérations. Calculateur mécanique instantané. Librairie Larousee. Paris, 19 rue Montparnasse, 19, ca. 1900.
  • Pablo Alvarez
Portable calculators are older than we think. For our History of Mathematics Collection, we have recently purchased an example of a small manual calculator, whereby anyone could quickly perform each of the four basic mathematical operations. It was designed by the Frenchman Louis-J. Troncet in 1889.
Yōng jūn ài mín (Support the Army and Cherish the People)
  • Kat Hagedorn
The Digital Library hosts a stunning collection of 15 rare propaganda Chinese papercuts from the Cultural Revolution. The original papercuts were discovered in a closet at the Center for Chinese Studies!
  • Kate Foster Hutchens
Arthur Miller, Marge Piercy, and...Grandma? They might all be shelved together amid these stately gray volumes.
Person sitting at a desk using screen magnification software.
  • Colin Smith Fulton
The University of Michigan Library is working hard to improve the accessibility of all our websites. This brings up a simple question: what does it mean to make a website accessible?
The custom ASIC chip inside the original Apple Newton H1000
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
This inaugural post of Bits and Pieces answers the age old questions: What is digital preservation? Why are you writing about it? Who the heck are you?