David S Carter
Library Blogs
Showing 11 - 20 of 20 items
for Date: March 2011
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
To tie in with the LS&A Water Theme Semester, the Computer & Video Game Archive is hosting a Water Video Game Carnival March 21 - April 2. The following water-based games have been selected for the Carnival.
Our library table display for March is books about video games: The books were selected by the ULAs (Ben, Rebecca & Stephanie) and me; Stephanie put together the presentation. Come by the 2nd floor to check it out, and there are many more books in the stacks!
Do you find yourself wishing for more opportunities to use your Playstation Move? Due to be released in Spring 2011, Sony has come out with a software server application called Move.Me that allows you to use PS Move paraphernalia and a PC to create new software that can be used with the Move. Move.Me is designed specifically to be used by game software developers, researchers, and college nerds who are lying in wait to put their personal mark on the Move market.
Here is our Top 10 List for this past week. Melee has fallen down the list a bit to make room for Brotherhood, which has been popular amongst a few dedicated people, and NBA 2K11. We'll have to see if the Smashers can pick up the slack next week, when the archive reopens.