David S Carter
Library Blogs
Showing 11 - 14 of 14 items
for Date: September 2010
Rock Band-a-Palooza! Tuesday, September 14 (During Northfest), 11am - 2pm.In the Duderstadt Center Gallery. Play Rock Band on a giant screen!
The fall semester is back upon us, and so we return to our regular hours: Mon Noon- 9pm; Tue - Fri 10am - 9pm; Sat 1pm - 9pm (closed Sunday). Actually that's an expansion on our Saturday hours from last year, as we're now opening on Saturdays two hours earlier.
Here are the top ten games played in the archive last wee. Quite a mix of different games in the interim before Fall classes started. And hardly any Fifa? Shocking.
Authored by Ben Nanamaker: With one of the top video game blogs dedicating this week to posts about gamers’ love affairs with guns, and with several bloggers in the past month or two also discussing violence in video games, I thought it was a good time to analyze what’s being said and how it differs from the usual take on video games and violence.