Tiny Studies

Stories and reflections from U-M Library assessment practitioners.
One orange lego in the middle of a blue lego base.

Posts in Tiny Studies

Showing 1 - 10 of 68 items
Illustration of a hand holding a magnifying glass over a stack of four colorful books with bookmarks.
  • Suzan Karabakal
This blog post explores the challenges faced by novice users of the University of Michigan's Library Search interface, drawing on user research conducted with undergraduate students and librarians. The research aimed to understand how students approach library searches, to identify their pain points, and learn how they navigate the Everything results page. By gaining insights into these areas, the research aimed to identify opportunities for improvement and inform the design of more user-friendly library search tools.
Photo of yellow pencils, with sharpened points pointing up.
  • Sarah Kathleen Barbrow
This blog post summarizes a quick, low-tech, and timely way to assess your instruction. I write about my version of a “one minute essay” adapted as a feedback form on slips of paper, and how I use the responses to circle back with the students and faculty after the class. I reflect on how this approach, which I’ve used over the past ten years, has changed my instruction and allowed me to be more receptive to all kinds of feedback.
Stock image of hands typing on a laptop, for decorative purposes.
  • Brandi Borkosky
The University of Michigan Press sought to better understand what its monograph authors care about when choosing a publisher and their experiences in being published. A survey completed in Fall 2024 reveals insight into scholarly publishing trends and what authors value in working with a university press.
Person with glasses sitting on a living room couch, looking at a laptop.
  • Karen A Reiman-Sendi
As we approach five years since the drastic shutdown and isolation techniques due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems appropriate to reflect on an assessment project conducted during 2020-2021. As librarians and students attempted to pivot to an all online learning and teaching experience, research service providers quickly needed to know more about our research consultation service. Struggling with a crisis, we also learned how to conduct assessment work in sensitive and empathetic ways.
An image of a pipeline constructed of the numbers 0 and 1 going into the distance, with a bright light shining from the end of this virtual tunnel.
  • Doreen R Bradley
  • Ken Varnum
Working with large-scale datasets to understand the effect of library resources on student success raises a number of concerns around individual privacy, data security, and analysis. This blog post, summarizing a recent article in College & Research Libraries, describes a recent grant-funded project at the University of Michigan, discusses the steps we took to address those concerns, and some of the lessons we learned.
Colorful image of people holding and reading books.
  • Caroline Nemechek
The findings from a qualitative study on users of open access (OA) books reveal a wide range of needs and impacts. The data comes from two collections: one of OA books published by Lever Press (https://www.leverpress.org/) and the other of backlist books turned OA by the Big Ten Open Books project (https://bigtenopenbooks.org/). While the samples are small, the findings highlight the importance of qualitative approaches to capturing the variety of reader and, more broadly, user experiences.
A person unfurling a curtain.
  • Suviksha Hirawat
This blog post reflects on the learning experience I had as a novice user research (UX) intern at the U-M Library. Through this nurturing and eye-opening experience, I enhanced my understanding of research operation, the activities which support the user research conducted by library employees in the Design & Discovery unit of the library.
Stock image shows ethnically and gender-diverse avatars spread across a 2D globe map. This is a decorative image.
  • Ani Bezirdzhyan
We know very little about how authors and readers experience the impact of open-access (OA) books. Usage metrics and citations obscure their humanity. In Fall 2023, we interviewed authors and readers of monographs published as OA by the University of Michigan Press. Our qualitative research project documented their experiences, used AI to discover patterns in their responses, and provided evidence-based recommendations for improving OA book publishing.
Frequency of Library Search Use chart
  • Ben Howell
  • Robyn Ness
The U-M Library UX + Design Team conducted a benchmark survey in late 2022 aiming to understand people’s experience with Library Search. Objectives included measuring user satisfaction, identifying audience needs, and comparing results with Harvard University’s survey using the same methodology. Survey findings guided the development of the Library Search Product Statement as well as user centered improvements such as implementing LibKey Direct-to-PDF API, and refining catalog results filters.
Screen shot for home page of the Reptile and Amphibian Audio Files collection.
  • Emma Brown
For the past year, U-M Library Digital Collections have been undergoing some big design changes. This blog post tells the story of launching and evaluating the usability of collections containing a new type of media: audio and moving images (AMI). In a research study consisting of a heuristic evaluation and 50 usability tests with a diverse group of users, the team uncovered over 20 mostly minor usability issues, recommended improvements to the interface that will be implemented in 2024 and beyond, and learned a lot about the complexity of library products along the way.