Posts tagged with User Experience

Showing 1 - 10 of 14 items
Illustration of a hand holding a magnifying glass over a stack of four colorful books with bookmarks.
  • Suzan Karabakal
This blog post explores the challenges faced by novice users of the University of Michigan's Library Search interface, drawing on user research conducted with undergraduate students and librarians. The research aimed to understand how students approach library searches, to identify their pain points, and learn how they navigate the Everything results page. By gaining insights into these areas, the research aimed to identify opportunities for improvement and inform the design of more user-friendly library search tools.
Screenshot of a session where a Filipino researcher is showing how they use the Philippines digital collection home page
  • Ruikun Wang
  • Ben Howell
Part 2 of the series "Uncovering Needs of Filipino Researchers with our Philippines Digital Collection" explores a UX research study aimed at improving the University of Michigan’s Philippines digital collection interface. The study initially focused on understanding user pain points with the legacy collection interface. Following the launch of a redesigned interface, short-term fixes were implemented based on user feedback, while long-term needs were documented for future platform updates.
Screenshot of the two search results in the American Verse Project digital collection from the University of Michigan Library for the word "moon".
  • Emma Brown
  • Suviksha Hirawat
As user experience researchers and designers, it is our job to design better solutions for complex interfaces. Read on to learn our research and design process from discovering a usability issue to proposing solutions in collaboration with developers.
A person unfurling a curtain.
  • Suviksha Hirawat
This blog post reflects on the learning experience I had as a novice user research (UX) intern at the U-M Library. Through this nurturing and eye-opening experience, I enhanced my understanding of research operation, the activities which support the user research conducted by library employees in the Design & Discovery unit of the library.
Photo of a table and paperwork for focus group interviews.
  • Lulu Zhou
In Fall 2022, the Library Environments department began a pilot of two designated “zoned” spaces in response to user feedback asking for more information about what to expect from a study space. We conducted focus groups and integrated participatory design to learn about how users are perceiving and experiencing these labeled spaces.
Screen shot of Library Catalog Search results, and interview participant and interviewer.
  • Annika Rose Gidley
The University of Michigan Library is home to a vast collection of materials representing dozens of languages. U-M Library Catalog Search, however, can cause difficulties for users searching for materials in languages other than English. In Summer 2021 we conducted an exploratory study on the experience of searching for non-English materials within U-M Library Catalog Search in order to better understand challenges users face, how they overcome them, and what we can do to mitigate the problem.
Tow columns, left one labeled Seen and right one labeled Safe.
  • Denise Leyton
In three blog posts, the authors describe a multi-year library service design project. This last post describes the team’s prototyping and testing processes, and our resulting interactive exercise.
Two columns, left one labeled Seen and right one labeled Safe.
  • Denise Leyton
In three blog posts, the authors describe a multi-year library service design project. This second post describes the research process used to develop our user experience tool.
Two columns, one labeled Seen and the other labeled Safe, with a gray scale gradient.
  • Denise Leyton
In three blog posts, the authors describe a multi-year library service design project. This first post describes the origins and goals of the assessment project.
Persona for undergraduate student.
  • Robyn Ness
The first post ("Personas: A Classic User Experience Design Technique") in this 2-part series described what personas are and, generally, how to create them. I closed with some cautions about ways personas might come out less than helpful – creating flat, overloaded, or fake (unresearched) personas. The second post presents our persona development for a specific website project.