Library Blogs

Showing 131 - 140 of 1842 items
The engraved album
  • Andrew James Furlotte
Engraving the cover of my friend's favorite album for his dorm room
Coasters with Cat Designs
  • Samara Steinfeld
Acrylic coasters with laser engraved hand drawn cats :)
Photo of Korean Language Learning Collection books
  • Dawn Lawson
A new section at 3A Hatcher North houses Korean language learning materials
Shapiro Design Lab Winberg Media Production Room. There is a soundbooth in the background with a student inside speaking into a microphone and in the foreground another student sitting at a computer monitoring their recording.
  • Erica Ervin
The Design Lab will be hiring 2-3 enthusiastic undergraduates for the Winter 2024 term. The application deadline is Friday, December 22 and all applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Fill out the google form and upload CV/resume using the link located at the bottom the post.
Brown 3d printed Snail shaped planter and tan 3d printed turtle snail shaped planter on white bookshelf.
  • Anthony Roland Dimeglio
Contributing to a fun and innovative home decor - animal-shaped plant pots!
The product
  • Marilyn Creswell
A creative and affordable way to get a bike pump replacement made using a 3D printer!
three writers standing holding Ardis printed copy of a text
  • Evyn Kropf
Join us next week for another Third Thursdays at the Library open house, exploring material from the Ardis Press Records!
Poster for documentary about AnDa Union
  • Dawn Lawson
A documentary on the Inner Mongolian music group AnDa Union will be shown at Weiser Hall at 6 PM on November 16.
array of square and rectangular images of collection material with handwritten text, photographs, and illustrations of various kinds
  • Martha O'Hara Conway
The current application cycle is now open for fellowships available to researchers whose work would benefit from onsite access to our special collections!
The collection home page for Artists’ Books image collection, featuring a banner image from a book in this collection, Heaven on Earth by Paul Johnson.
  • Robyn Ness
User research is best performed as an iterative process, where each round of testing provides valuable insights to lead to the next stage of development. The recent uplift on the University of Michigan Library’s Image Digital Collections offers a prime example of iterative user research, as it included testing phases for early mockups, plug-in image viewers, and an interactive coded version of the site. By continuously testing, we were able to identify potential issues early and to refine the site to better meet user needs.