Posts tagged with community engagement

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
Close up image of a swamp milkweed
  • V Shin
Library Engagement Fellow, V Shin, reflects on the transformations of the Borderless Seed Stories project, and announces upcoming event series, Seeding Dialogue!
  • Rachel Woodbrook
This Bits & Pieces blog post talks about the Detroit Metro Area Communities Study (DMACS) and its expansion, the Michigan Metro Area Communities Study (MIMACS), and their initial releases of closed-ended response data via the U-M Library's Deep Blue Data platform.
  • Kelly Hovinga
The U-M Library’s Shapiro Design Lab and the U-M Museum of Natural History are happy to announce a new Community and Citizen Science Project Incubator program for University of Michigan faculty, staff, and students! Community and citizen science projects can help scientists conduct extensive, quality research while engaging with members of their community. The program will explore questions about project design, ethics, learning goals, and data management. Participants will create project prototypes for their own research and community engagement, and develop the skills needed for successful projects.