Seed Library Stories

Read about Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint campus seed collections, books, research, and more.
A hand holding seeds placed on top of another person's cupped hands.

Posts in Seed Library Stories

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
  • Krystel Anderson
U-M Seed Library's Intern, UMSI graduate student, and co-mentor of Michigan Library Scholars Borderless Seed Stories project, Krystel Anderson, reflects on The Seed Library Kickoff Event.
milkweed seeds on bright background
  • Ariel Ojibway
  • Tashia Miller
  • Caylen Cole-Hazel
  • Krystel Anderson
The story of how the Seed Library, housed within the Design-O-Matic on the first floor of the Shapiro Library, sprouted!