Posts tagged with interview

Showing 1 - 10 of 19 items
Image of a diverse group of people with the text: "Libraries are for everyone"
  • Shannon Moreno
A subcommittee of the Library Diversity Council was charged to evaluate and interrogate the role of policing in the University of Michigan Library. This post explores the evaluation and decision-making processes, while identifying the labor that goes into projects dealing with anti-racist culture change. The group’s research resulted in several recommendations shared with library leadership.
Illustration of a hand holding a magnifying glass over a stack of four colorful books with bookmarks.
  • Suzan Karabakal
This blog post explores the challenges faced by novice users of the University of Michigan's Library Search interface, drawing on user research conducted with undergraduate students and librarians. The research aimed to understand how students approach library searches, to identify their pain points, and learn how they navigate the Everything results page. By gaining insights into these areas, the research aimed to identify opportunities for improvement and inform the design of more user-friendly library search tools.
Colorful image of people holding and reading books.
  • Caroline Nemechek
The findings from a qualitative study on users of open access (OA) books reveal a wide range of needs and impacts. The data comes from two collections: one of OA books published by Lever Press ( and the other of backlist books turned OA by the Big Ten Open Books project ( While the samples are small, the findings highlight the importance of qualitative approaches to capturing the variety of reader and, more broadly, user experiences.
Stock image shows ethnically and gender-diverse avatars spread across a 2D globe map. This is a decorative image.
  • Ani Bezirdzhyan
We know very little about how authors and readers experience the impact of open-access (OA) books. Usage metrics and citations obscure their humanity. In Fall 2023, we interviewed authors and readers of monographs published as OA by the University of Michigan Press. Our qualitative research project documented their experiences, used AI to discover patterns in their responses, and provided evidence-based recommendations for improving OA book publishing.
A person standing at the top of a small rise, silhouetted against the blue sky
  • Rachel Woodbrook
We are excited to share the publication of "Archaeological Investigations in a Northern Albanian Province: Results of the Projekti Arkeologjik i Shkodrës (PASH)" Volumes 1 & 2, edited by Michael L. Galaty and Lorenc Bejko, along with the associated data set on Deep Blue Data Repository. See the UM Press blog ( for the whole interview!
Photo of a table and paperwork for focus group interviews.
  • Lulu Zhou
In Fall 2022, the Library Environments department began a pilot of two designated “zoned” spaces in response to user feedback asking for more information about what to expect from a study space. We conducted focus groups and integrated participatory design to learn about how users are perceiving and experiencing these labeled spaces.
University of Michigan library study spaces website
  • Marjunique Louis
As students, we all know the struggle of trying to find the perfect study space on campus. The Library Environments UX Research Team and the Library Information Technology Design and Discovery (D&D) Team worked together to improve the user experience of the Library’s study spaces booking website.
Dr. Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales interviewing a Lannang speaker
  • Joanna Thielen
  • Rachel Woodbrook
  • Jake Carlson
In this interview, Dr. Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales (U-M alum; PhD in Linguistics 2022) describes why he decided to share the data set entitled "The Lannang Corpus (LanCorp): A POS-tagged, sociolinguistic corpus containing recordings and transcriptions of Lannang speech collected from the metropolitan Manila Lannangs between 2016 and 2020" in Deep Blue Data.
A grid of nine abstract representations of people and computers rendered in a generic style of illustration. Blurry pastel colors on white backgrounds seem to suggest floating computer screens and groups of human figures in conversation. Note: DALL·E mini is open source. AI-generated images do not fall under copyright because they lack the element of human creative expression. Source:
  • Scott David Witmer
The University of Michigan Library’s efforts to develop our digital preservation program created an opportunity to request additional support during the annual budget cycle. With only a few months to draft recommendations, the Digital Preservation Steering Committee performed an assessment survey to gather feedback from stakeholders across the library.
Sculpture of the word "understanding." Located in København, Danmark.
  • Heidi Burkhardt
A redesign of the library blogs platform kicked off last fall with time dedicated to understanding the current site and its usage, reviewing what other libraries do, and conducting a needs assessment survey with stakeholders. This approach has allowed efficient decision making and informed requirements, while engaging stakeholders early in the redesign process.