Posts tagged with intern

Showing 11 - 20 of 21 items
Cartoon of network connections
  • Meghan Kate Brody
Meghan Brody reflects on her internship for the Living Library program as a Michigan Library Scholar. She discusses progressive librarianship, social justice, and fostering a more compassionate library community through conversation about identity.
Crowdsourcing workflow for Zooniverse project
  • Anamaria Cuza
Up until now, learning has been all about finding the right books and online courses, finding some free time, and focusing. I did that kind of learning at the Design Lab, as well: going through a textbook on data analysis, going through tutorials on designing 3D models. But this new kind of learning--the one that occurred by chance--started taking an increasingly important role in my life. Learning how to analyze data from Zooniverse from people with more experience and having numerous discussions on technology’s impact on developing countries were also part of my learning experience.
Photo of Julian with a neuroprosthetics arm built by Aaron (standing to his right) and his teammates.
  • Aaron Chow
By far one of the most amazing experiences was working with my club in the Design Lab space over the course of the year. Being able to see one team sewing electrode sleeves, while another tests circuits and software, while yet another team works on a printed part and assembling an arm. The culmination of all of this work was also realized in the Design Lab with final testing, assembly, and photos of the device before we gave it to Julian, occurring in the Design Lab spaces. It is so unique to have a space such as this as accessible as it is, and Justin’s encouragement towards the pursuit of collaborative work is what makes it all possible for us to do.
A light-blue 3D-printed thruster shroud
  • Carol Zhang
As the year comes to an end, I thank the Design Lab for developing both my hard and soft skills. I experienced the wonders of multidisciplinary collaboration, and just how much people love to share their interests with others. I believe the best way to learn is through simply speaking with others. In doing so, I was quickly able to learn their interests, and hey, some of them also became mine before I knew it!
  • Gloria Myunghyun Chun
My first year at the Shapiro Design Lab is ending at this moment, as I sit in the Lab writing this blog post during my last Open Workshop shift. I have worked on many projects, consulted a few university course teams, and attended many campus-wide workshops. Through them all, I have gained a wonderfully positive view on the Lab and its ability to bring so much knowledge to one time and place.
3D Printed Phone Case in Two Colors
  • Jerry Liu
After a ton of failed prints, annoyed workers, and wasted filament, I managed to 3D print a single phone case.
  • Gloria Myunghyun Chun
The goals of the workshop were to understand the science and research of unconscious bias, to become our own background and its impact on our perceptions, to identify how bias and the processes of the unconscious mind can impact decisions and results, and to apply new strategies for practicing more conscious awareness so that we are better able to advocate for inclusion in our organizations.
  • Andrea McDonald
Design Lab Intern Doug McDonald reflects on his experience attending a "Deep Listening" workshop through the Library Diversity Council.
  • Carol Zhang
Design lab intern Carol Zhang shares her thoughts on a stress management workshop she attended.
  • Justin Schell
Here's what the Shapiro Design Lab will be up to in 2017-18!