Posts tagged with cvga

Showing 291 - 300 of 352 items
  • David S Carter
Here's the leaderboard after day three of the racing tournament. Competition continues through Saturday. Remember, you have to complete all five races in order to be eligible to win!
  • David S Carter
Here's the leaderboard after day two of the racing tournament. Competition continues through Saturday. Remember, you have to complete all five races in order to be eligible to win!
  • David S Carter
Here's the leaderboard from day one of the racing tournament. Competition continues through Saturday, so expect these standings to change as the week goes on...
Racing poster
  • David S Carter
Here's the poster for our upcoming Racing Tournament. The poster is by Stephanie Grimm, one of our grad students.
  • David S Carter
We are getting ready to run our first gaming tournament in the archive! This will be a silent tournament, meaning that instead of several hours of head-to-head competition, the competitors will have to prove their mettle on five different racing games by scoring the best times. The races can be done during any of the designated times over the course of a week.
  • David S Carter
Fall semester begins on Tuesday, and so do the fall hours in the CVGA. Yes, by popular demand, we are adding hours on Saturday.We are also planning our first tournament in the CVGA, for sometime late September or early October. Stay tuned for details soon...
  • David S Carter
Bad news and good news: The bad news is that the archive will be closed all next week, due to the intersession. Regular summer hours will resume the week of August 31, though we'll of course be closed on Labor Day.The good news is that starting September 8 not only will we expand our daily hours to 10am - 9pm, we'll also be adding Saturday hours of 3pm to 9pm.
  • David S Carter
Over the course of the summer, various camp groups from here at U-M have made use of the video game archive for their campers, including Camp CAEN and GISE (Girls in Science and Engineering) Summer Day Camp.
  • David S Carter
The Computer & Video Game Archive will be closed Thursday & Friday July 2-3.
GYGO store front
  • David S Carter
Local gaming store Get Your Game On is now a University of Michigan vendor, so I went down there this afternoon and picked out some old games for the archive: Atari, Intellivision, Genesis, NES, SNES, PS1, etc. A big thanks to Manager John for all his help!