Posts tagged with academic publishing in Blog Tiny Studies

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items
Stock image of hands typing on a laptop, for decorative purposes.
  • Brandi Borkosky
The University of Michigan Press sought to better understand what its monograph authors care about when choosing a publisher and their experiences in being published. A survey completed in Fall 2024 reveals insight into scholarly publishing trends and what authors value in working with a university press.
Colorful image of people holding and reading books.
  • Caroline Nemechek
The findings from a qualitative study on users of open access (OA) books reveal a wide range of needs and impacts. The data comes from two collections: one of OA books published by Lever Press ( and the other of backlist books turned OA by the Big Ten Open Books project ( While the samples are small, the findings highlight the importance of qualitative approaches to capturing the variety of reader and, more broadly, user experiences.
Stock image shows ethnically and gender-diverse avatars spread across a 2D globe map. This is a decorative image.
  • Ani Bezirdzhyan
We know very little about how authors and readers experience the impact of open-access (OA) books. Usage metrics and citations obscure their humanity. In Fall 2023, we interviewed authors and readers of monographs published as OA by the University of Michigan Press. Our qualitative research project documented their experiences, used AI to discover patterns in their responses, and provided evidence-based recommendations for improving OA book publishing.
Image that displays a circle with the words "Fund to Mission" contained within.
  • Zhenkun Lin
  • Kelsey Mrjoian
University of Michigan Press is exploring different ways of communicating the “impact” of the open access program, Fund to Mission, with impact defined as “provable benefits on the real world.” As part of this exploration, the Press worked with Zhenkun Lin, a doctoral student from the U-M College of Engineering, under the auspices of the Rackham Doctoral Internship initiative. The charge for Zhenkun’s project was very broad: Please explore the data we have gathered and see if it suggests any interesting patterns or opportunities for visualizing the program’s impact.
Image of a Google impact map, depicting content requests by world location.
  • Charles Watkinson
Between March 20 and August 31, 2020, the University of Michigan Press made all the titles in the Library-hosted ebook collection, UMP EBC, free-to-read. During this period, U-M Press staff gathered use data in the hope of assessing the impact of free-to-read content while informing the future business strategy. Three different assessment efforts are described in this post.