Updates on our work in digital preservation and research data.
Bits and Pieces
Posts in Bits and Pieces
Showing 61 - 70 of 73 items
- Lance Thomas Stuchell
A summary of a risk assessment model as applied to a born-digital archival collection at M Library.
- Jake Carlson
You probably know that the University of Michigan Library offers a variety of educational programs, but did you know that these programs include topics relevant to working with research data?
- Amy Neeser
It is common scholarly practice to publish results of research, and it is becoming increasingly more important to share the underlying data. Data sharing allows for the replicability and verification of experimental findings and allow for reuse in new and unexpected ways. Sharing your data may also increase the impact of your research.
- Jake Carlson
Documenting your data is kind of like eating your spinach. You know that you need to do it to keep your data healthy, but it’s not something that you look forward to. Good documentation takes an investment of time and energy. It can feel like grunt work, or that it is slowing you down when you really want to keep making progress on your research.
- Sara M Samuel
The Oxford English Dictionary defines organized as: “Of a person: having one's affairs in order so as to be able to deal with them efficiently.”
When you spend the best hours of your day doing research and working with data, it makes sense to be organized so you can use your time as efficiently as possible. One of the methods for maintaining an organized research life is by developing a data management plan (DMP).
When you spend the best hours of your day doing research and working with data, it makes sense to be organized so you can use your time as efficiently as possible. One of the methods for maintaining an organized research life is by developing a data management plan (DMP).
- Scott A Martin
Welcome to our series of Love Your Data Week posts! Each day this week, in connection with the Love Your Data campaign on social media, a UM librarian will be blogging about a different data-related topic, sharing personal anecdotes and tips that you can use to improve your own research data practices. To kick things off, we're writing today about data safety.
- Lance Thomas Stuchell
Bits and Pieces is expanding its discussion to include lots about research data!
- Shannon Zachary
When a research library creates a position with responsibility for the preservation of digital stuff, where on the organizational hierarchy should that position hang? Is digital preservation an IT job, collections management, or preservation?
- Lance Thomas Stuchell
Look, we wrote a new post!! This one talks about differences between digital preservation projects and programs, and challenges of building a program that accommodates a wide range of content.
- Lance Thomas Stuchell
The Wayne State University National Digital Stewardship Alliance Student Chapter will be hosting its 3nd colloquium, “Putting the Pieces Together: Digital Curation, Preservation, and Metadata”, on April 24th from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. You should go!