On Tuesday, November 13th from 3-5pm the Michigan Library Engagement Ambassadors held our first event of the semester in the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. Employees from the Career Center came to take free professional head shots and provide advice on how to improve your LinkedIn profile and use it to network successfully. We had a great turnout of students who came dressed to impress and took advantage of this event.
Feedback from students was very positive and everyone who utilized the Career Center services found it incredibly helpful. LinkedIn has a lot of different features and can be confusing and intimidating to use, but the Career Center staff made it simple and easy for all our event attendees to understand. It was great to see so many students and faculty gain valuable skills and a great professional picture from our event, and we hope to hold this event again in the future and reach even more of our Michigan community.
Last night was a huge success, and we can’t wait for our next library events. We will be having a de-stressing event around finals at the end of the semester as well as a big welcome-back night at the Shapiro Library in the beginning of winter semester. We hope to have an even bigger turnout for these events and continue to bring the Michigan community together with the library system.
Library Student Engagement Ambassadors