Posts tagged with violence

Showing 1 - 10 of 12 items
The Keeper of Secrets Book Cover
  • Pam MacKintosh
A beautiful story following a 1742 Guarneri del Gesú violin and the men (and boys) who loved her.
  • Val Waldron
Guest author Amanda Cote joins us again to share her thoughts on a popular topic at the recent ALA Conference: Video Games in Library Collections.
  • Val Waldron
Our student worker Mike Lynch explores the human search for feelings in all aspects of life - and specifically, in video games.
Horror in Video Gaming display
  • Val Waldron
In anticipation of Halloween, one of our student workers, Josh, created a display that highlights the horror genre in gaming. Here are a few pictures to commemorate the occasion.
Steel Battalion controllers
Authored by our long-time student worker, Doug Carmichael:
Shooting games comprise one of the most played genres in the Archive. Barely a day goes by without patrons requesting to play shooters like Call of Duty or Halo: Reach. Shooting games have a rich and varied history, first coming into popularity in the early 90s. The Archive is proud to showcase a wide variety of shooting games from all points in the genre’s history.
  • Val Waldron
Video games have received a lot of attention lately from politicians like Obama and Gore, and their messages don't always agree. Gore was quoted at the 2011 Games for Change Festival today, praising the video game industry as a "very large, extremely significant industry with a wildly diverse and rapidly growing audience of players on all kinds of platforms," and gave several examples of games that "integrate social good and efforts to make the world a better place into games." Obama, on the other hand, though not expressly against video games, has warned people of the dangers they present in distracting kids from family time, as well as their education.
  • Val Waldron
The Supreme Court is reportedly finishing up their assessment of an issue presented through a California court case back in November, which questions whether it should be legal to sell violent video games to minors. Video games are currently regulated via the ESRB rating system, and certain ratings may be deemed illegal to sell to people who are underage.
  • David S Carter
BBC News Europe: "Spain outrage over migrant bombing game: "Spain's main opposition party has provoked howls of outrage for producing a video game which invites players to bomb illegal immigrants.
  • David S Carter
A semi-regular round-up of interesting video game links from around the Interwebs.
  • David S Carter
Today the US Supreme Court hears arguments regarding AB 1179, the California bill restricting the sale and rental of violent video games to minors.