Posts tagged with preservation in Blog Eaten by a Grue

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items
A Game Boy Color and original Game Boy dominated the center of the photo, with a box for Frogger for Game Boy Color on the left and an array of Game Boy cartridges in cases across the top.
  • David S Carter
CVGA student resident Kiki Verdun reflects on her experiences this summer around the digital archiving of cartridge-based games.
  • Val Waldron
American Libraries Magazine recently published an article featuring the Video Game Collection at the Library of Congress. According to the article, the collection preserves every game turned in for copyright registration, which works out to be about 10% of the games published each year. They collect the games themselves, along with promotional materials and guides associated with each game.
  • David S Carter
Atlantic Monthly has a short piece on the state of video game preservation: "Pac Rat..."
  • David S Carter
John Scalzo (of the Video Game Librarian blog) has a nice article over on Gaming Target called "Bejeweled Blitz and the Disappearing Web Games." In it, John talks about the difficulty in preserving Web games when the developer is not longer interested in making them available.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (inside view)
  • David S Carter
I spent the morning resurrecting old non-working SNES cartdiges that had been donated to the archive. This involved opening them up, applying polish & fixer to the contacts, then re-sealing. I went six-for-six in getting the old cartridges working again!