Posts tagged with local

Showing 21 - 30 of 30 items
Silent Hill game cover
  • Val Waldron
Why do we enjoy playing scary games so much? Nicholaus Noles, a developmental psychologist at the University of Michigan, gives us a psychological perspective into the science behind our attraction to games that inspire a sense of fear, horror or danger. One of the reasons he gives is that they "allow us to experience powerful and complex emotions in a safe way," and that developers use situations in which gamers have limited control over a scary situation to create an effective horror-filled experience.
  • Val Waldron
Professor Sheila Murphy is teaching her class again this semester, entitled "Video Games as Culture/Form." Besides a trip to our archive to get up close and personal with some of the more violent games in our collection, students from the class are also contributing to the course blog at, where they give their unedited perspectives on a variety of topics related to video games and culture.
  • David S Carter
Students in Sheila Murphy's class SAC 368: Video Games as Culture/Form are this semester blogging about video games on their blog at There are some great posts there and I invite you to give it a look-see.
  • Val Waldron
One of our regulars, Grace Lieb, wrote an article about the CVGA for LEAD Magazine, which never got to be published before she left the magazine. So here is the article, in its entirety. Thanks, Grace!
  • David S Carter
Rock Band-a-Palooza! Tuesday, September 14 (During Northfest), 11am - 2pm.In the Duderstadt Center Gallery. Play Rock Band on a giant screen!
  • Val Waldron
UM-Flint offers a game development track in their Computer Science program, which is picking up steam amongst other departments, such as their Nursing program, where they are using educational games to teach their students. Students from a number of departments are getting involved in the game development, including the Computer Science, Nursing, Biology, Communication and Visual Arts departments.
Serious games expo poster
  • David S Carter
Serious games expo coming up!
  • David S Carter
Serious games, Simulations and Natural Learning. Plus, FREE FOOD!
GYGO store front
  • David S Carter
Local gaming store Get Your Game On is now a University of Michigan vendor, so I went down there this afternoon and picked out some old games for the archive: Atari, Intellivision, Genesis, NES, SNES, PS1, etc. A big thanks to Manager John for all his help!
  • David S Carter
Today's Michigan Daily (the student newspaper) has an article about the class Education 222: Videogames & Learning, taught by Prof. Barry Fishman (who is on our advisory committee for the archive): "Gaming in the classroom? New class says yes."