Posts tagged with links

Showing 61 - 68 of 68 items
  • David S Carter
This weekend's On the Media show from NPR has a segment about the rise of independent console game developers: "DIY Gaming"
  • David S Carter
There's an interview with me regarding the Comptuer & Video Game Archive over at The Video Game Librarian blog. Thanks to John Scalzo for his excellent interview!
  • David S Carter
Today's Michigan Daily features another article about the video game archive: "Archive brings games old and new to students."
Pacman sugar cookies
  • David S Carter
At the blog Snack or Die, Jocelyn shows how to make cookies (and other desserts) designed after your favorite video game characters. It's yummy fun!
  • David S Carter
Despite our having done hardly any publicity, the student newspaper, The Michigan Daily, found out about the video game archive and sent a reporter to do a story: "Library opens video game archive."
  • David S Carter
I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but an AP article summarizes a report from the Pew Internet & American Life Project that says that 97% of all American teenagers play video games.The study looks at teens' video game habits, as well as the effect that game playing has on their civil engagement.
  • David S Carter
Interface design librarian extraordinaire Suz sent me a link to this awesome Game Console Controller Family Tree, where you can see how controllers for game consoles have evolved over the years.
  • David S Carter
With this blog I hope to not only talk about our upcoming Computer & Video Game Archive here at the MLibrary, but also document my exploration into the relatively-new-to-me world of games in the academy. First up is The Education Arcade at MIT.