Posts tagged with donations

Showing 1 - 10 of 16 items
Ton Broos holding a framed copy of a Dutch pamphlet standing next to curator, Pablo Alvarez
  • Katrina Klaphake
Inspired by his passion for Dutch language and culture, Ton Broos left a legacy of academic excellence and cultural preservation through funds that bring the past to the present.
Lila McMechan standing in front of dormitory with her parents
  • Katrina Klaphake
Learn how a humble student shelver in the Hatcher Library was inspired by her love of libraries and the opportunities she had as a UM student in the 1950's.
Steve Clark standing by a large plaque with his name
  • Katrina Klaphake
Forty-six years after graduating, an appreciation for library spaces inspires Steve Clark to create new library spaces for students today.
Frogger board game cover
  • Val Waldron
We got a donation earlier this month with a number of older game gems, including Frogger the Board Game. The inside bears quite a resemblance to the video game screen that most of us are familiar with. We also got a number of Atari 5200 and Atari Lynx games in the donation, several with really interesting covers.
  • Val Waldron
Over the past couple weeks, we received a couple of interesting donations, including a Sega Pico and a Memorex VIS. The games that came with them were mostly centered towards the education of children, with a few others thrown in.
Bilmes article
  • Val Waldron
The generous donor of our Arcade Legends machine, Joshua A. Bilmes, has been highlighted in the library's newsletter. A lover of classic games, he is also the president of the JABberwocky Literacy Agency, where he represents authors of science fiction and fantasy, and is the author of the blog Brillig.
Amiga 3000
  • Val Waldron
We recently got a donation that included an Amiga 3000 computer, as well as an Amiga 500. After some love and care from our fearless restorer of old games and equipment, Doug, they are now in working order. Here are a few titles that are now available to play on the Amigas.
Commodore 64
  • David S Carter
Last week we received a donation of a Commodore 64 (actually a later-model Commodore 64C), including a disk drive, monitor and joysticks. All of which works, and also came with about thirty-five games.
  • David S Carter
We received a donation this week of a TI-99/4A computer along with a case full of games. They all work great (except for the fact that the computer keyboard is missing the 'H' key!).
Battlezone cabinet
  • David S Carter
A couple of weeks ago, the fine folks at the Computer Aided Engineering Network (CAEN) gave us a Battlezone mini-cabinet for the archive. As you can see, it fit in just perfectly near the back door!