Scott David Witmer
Posts tagged with documentation
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
The 2023 iPres conference at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana brought an international community of digital archivists to the Midwest for a week of sessions that explored a range of digital preservation challenges.
In this interview, Dr. Amir Salaree (Research Fellow at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) describes his research and why he decided to share his data set entitled "Supporting Data for Solving a Seismic Mystery with a Diver's Camera" in Deep Blue Data.
This post highlights one of the new members to the DBRRDS team! Peter Cerda is Data Curation Specialist for Workflows and Big Data.
This post highlights one of the new members to the DBRRDS team! Daniel Alexander is Data Curation and Research Reproducibility Specialist. He'll be working jointly with MIDAS and the DBRRDS team.
In this interview, Dr. Adam Rountrey is the Research Museum Collection Manager (Vertebrates/Plants) and 3D Specialist at the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology (UMMP) describes his research on hormone levels in woolly mammoth and African elephants tusks. Several CT scans of these specimens are available in Deep Blue Data.
Documenting your data is kind of like eating your spinach. You know that you need to do it to keep your data healthy, but it’s not something that you look forward to. Good documentation takes an investment of time and energy. It can feel like grunt work, or that it is slowing you down when you really want to keep making progress on your research.