Posts tagged with Design in Blog Library Tech Talk

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 items
Representation of a User Journey visualization
  • Ben Howell
How does a library present the right information to patrons at the right time and place in the face of changing services, new technologies and vendors? User Journeys provide a way to create and improve what information, services and tools will help users on their path to the resources and services they seek. Find out what insights our team gained from developing User Journeys and we'll tell you about tools, resources and templates you can use to make your own!
What is needed for designing large web-based systems?
  • Trevor Dobias
This post is a brief overview of the process in designing for large web-based systems. This includes understanding what makes up an interface and how to start fresh to create a good foundation that won't be regrettable later.
U-M Library website from seven years ago
  • Colin Smith Fulton
The next version of Mirlyn ( is going to take some time to create, but let's take a peek under the hood and see how the next generation of search will work.
University of Michigan Library search
  • Jodee J Jernigan
Search is the cornerstone of the library website, and the primary goal of our online presence: to help users find resources and information so that they can do their work.