Posts tagged with Design Labs

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
3d printed testtube rack and selection of small 3d printed figurines on lab table
  • Jared Alan Sharnowski
I created a space saving test tube rack for my lab and bonus desk buddy figurines for the team.
Comparison of the robot with the original camera mount (left) and custom mount (right)
  • Justin Jin Ng
  • Jubilee Wang
Robotics students use easy 3D-printing tools to add important functionality to their autonomous fire-rescuing robot project.
  • Justin Schell
The Design-o-Matic 4000 is the new art and information project from the Shapiro Design Lab. It houses a variety of stuff from both the Library and campus organizations (all free at the push of a few buttons) and we want your help filling it!