Posts tagged with cvga

Showing 191 - 200 of 352 items
Aqua Aqua poster
  • David S Carter
Poster/flyer for the upcoming Water Video Game Carnival.
Endless Ocean game cover
  • David S Carter
To tie in with the LS&A Water Theme Semester, the Computer & Video Game Archive is hosting a Water Video Game Carnival March 21 - April 2. The following water-based games have been selected for the Carnival.
  • Val Waldron
Here is our Top 10 List for this past week. Melee has fallen down the list a bit to make room for Brotherhood, which has been popular amongst a few dedicated people, and NBA 2K11. We'll have to see if the Smashers can pick up the slack next week, when the archive reopens.
  • David S Carter
The CVGA will be closed during break week, February 26 through March 6. In addition, the archive room will not open until 1pm on Friday, February 25.
  • Val Waldron
Here is the top games list from last week, with Kingdom Hearts for the PSP making a surprise appearance.
  • Val Waldron
One of our regulars, Grace Lieb, wrote an article about the CVGA for LEAD Magazine, which never got to be published before she left the magazine. So here is the article, in its entirety. Thanks, Grace!
  • Val Waldron
Here are the top 10 games played in the archive last week, with Rock Band coming back into the mix.
New game room
  • Val Waldron
The new game room in the basement is getting very close to being completely set up, and here are a couple of pictures of its new (cleaner) home. We also decorated the place with a few fun decals from games that you might recognize.
  • Val Waldron
Here are our top games from last week - this time with Black Ops making the list twice because of people bringing in their own copies. We're still working on getting our Xbox 360 copy in. I noticed that football games didn't even come close last week, despite the Superbowl - everybody ready to move on finally?
  • Val Waldron
Here are our top games from last week, with both copies of Melee still making the list.