Posts by Lance Thomas Stuchell

Showing 11 - 20 of 20
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
A summary of how we transitioned our workflow for forensic imaging.
Computer monitor planter
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
Update on work done by the Digital Preservation Unit including efforts on the Digital Preservation Lab, digital file formats, and community outreach.
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
iPres 2018 in Boston releases the initial call for contributions.
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
Copyright and Preservation workshop, Monday, 6/19, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
How does copyright law treat preservation by libraries, archives, and museums? When does copyright law permit you to provide access to a preservation copy, or to create a replacement copy? This workshop from Ana Enriquez of the the U-M Library Copyright Office will explain how copyright law applies to preservation work. All are welcome.
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
We are putting together a super sweet lab to handle born-digital content!!
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
A summary of a risk assessment model as applied to a born-digital archival collection at M Library.
Computer punch card detail
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
Bits and Pieces is expanding its discussion to include lots about research data!
Directional Lines on the Floor of Hatcher Library
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
Look, we wrote a new post!! This one talks about differences between digital preservation projects and programs, and challenges of building a program that accommodates a wide range of content.
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
The Wayne State University National Digital Stewardship Alliance Student Chapter will be hosting its 3nd colloquium, “Putting the Pieces Together: Digital Curation, Preservation, and Metadata”, on April 24th from 1:00 – 5:00 pm. You should go!
The custom ASIC chip inside the original Apple Newton H1000
  • Lance Thomas Stuchell
This inaugural post of Bits and Pieces answers the age old questions: What is digital preservation? Why are you writing about it? Who the heck are you?