A few weeks ago I attended one of the Community Nights we have in the Shapiro Design Lab each week. At each event, a Design Lab staff member workshops an activity for the rest of the lab. In the past, these presentations have included everything from citizen science to meditation. On this particular night, Jeff had all of us work together to build Nintendo LABO toys. LABO games come as kits and are put together by the user. The kits are very affordable and contain flat-packed cardboard sheets, magnetic stickers, and any other materials relevant to that particular game. A Nintendo Switch is used as a manual to guide you through putting the LABO together. Each fold is animated on the Switch screen to show you what to do next. Once the LABO are put together, the Switch is used to play with the equipment. Prior to Jeff’s workshop I had very little experience with the Switch but it was very easy to use and understand. The LABO games themselves are extremely cool. We put together a motor bike, piano, joy stick, and steering wheel as a team. It was a fun challenge to organize in groups and divide up the tasks. The LABOs are almost entirely constructed from folded cardboard and it was amazing to see the components come together to form real, usable, gaming equipment. The LABO kits would be great in a school or as an activity for a family. They really inspire creativity and make you wonder what other activities can be created from a simple cardboard sheet!