Posts tagged with games

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 items
  • Val Waldron
The staff here at the CVGA were saddened recently to hear of the death of legendary Nintendo engineer Masayuki Uemura at the age of 78. For those who don't know, Uemura was the head engineer behind Nintendo’s first home consoles, including the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and the Super Nintendo (SNES). Gaming couldn’t be what it is today without Uemura and his team; We have a lot to thank him for. Why not come to the archive and play some NES/SNES games in his memory?
Person playing Pac-Man
  • Val Waldron
The University of Michigan is offering a rich variety of game-related courses during the Summer and Fall 2021 terms, so we thought we'd highlight them here as well as on our research guide as you're choosing courses. If you're looking for ideas on how to play games online, we'd recommend taking a look at the Online Games page on our research guide.
Games on floppy disk
  • Val Waldron
The Computer & Video Game Archive (CVGA) has a dual mission of providing users access to our game collection, and the preservation of games for future research and scholarship. Since the CVGA has been temporarily closed to the public due to the pandemic, we have used this time to shift our focus from user access to the preservation portion of our mission, and have been discussing how to digitally image and archive our game collection.
Board game arena logo
  • Val Waldron
Are you wishing you could be playing board games in person with your friends? You're not the only one. Being able to sit around a table with friends is a great way to socialize with fellow gamers, and would normally be a popular activity in the CVGA. Playing board games in person is definitely preferred, but circumstances like quarantine, geography or other factors can make this difficult. And thanks to technology, it's not the only way to enjoy them. The Online Games page on our research guide lists several online platforms that can be used to play board games online with friends. Today, we're going to review one of those platforms, Boardgame Arena.
  • Val Waldron
It's that time again to register for Winter classes. Do you find yourself wondering how to work your love of video games into your course selections? Here are some courses that might help you do just that.
Games in education image
  • Val Waldron
Curious about which university classes are incorporating games into their studies? Here is a list of game-related classes happening this semester.
  • Val Waldron
In just a couple of short weeks, the CVGA will be involved in an Art & Gaming Symposium, which will bring together academics, game makers, and game players to discuss the role of art in gaming. How is art reflected in games? How does one create art through games? How do we view games as art? These questions will be explored through speakers, panels and discussion in a one-day symposium on Saturday, April 7, 2018, on the campus of the University of Michigan & the Ann Arbor District Library.
  • Val Waldron
Have you always wanted to take a course about video games? Need to fill an elective slot for Winter term? Since most students are picking out which courses they'd like to take, we thought we'd share a list of interesting courses being taught next term. There are many other good ones out there as well, but here are a few to get you started.