Val Waldron
Posts tagged with board games
Showing 1 - 3 of 3 items
Are you wishing you could be playing board games in person with your friends? You're not the only one. Being able to sit around a table with friends is a great way to socialize with fellow gamers, and would normally be a popular activity in the CVGA. Playing board games in person is definitely preferred, but circumstances like quarantine, geography or other factors can make this difficult. And thanks to technology, it's not the only way to enjoy them. The Online Games page on our research guide lists several online platforms that can be used to play board games online with friends. Today, we're going to review one of those platforms, Boardgame Arena.
Did you know that the CVGA has more than just video games? When we moved to our current location in January 2011, we added a small section of board and card games, as well as a couple of tables on which to play them. We now have 120 board and card games in the CVGA. Some of the most popular games are Dominion, Settlers of Catan, and 7 Wonders.
Coming soon to a UM Computer & Video Game Archive near you... The CAVE EVIL Limited Edition board game!