David S Carter
Posts by David S Carter
We will most like be opening the CVGA in our new location on Monday Jan 10 at Noon. This of course assumes that things go mostly as planned over the next several days (There is still painting and electrical work left to be done...)
While you are waiting for the new CVGA room to open, relive your times spent in the old with this awesome panoramic PhotoSynth of the old CVGA room. (You'll need Microsoft's Silverlight extension installed in your browser.)
Here are a few pictures from Friday, the final day of the CVGA in its old location.
The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed at the end of Val's last Top Games post she mentions that the CVGA will be moving.It's true! The last day of the archive for the year will be this Friday, after which we will be closed while we move to our new location. In January we will re-open in room B474 of the Duderstadt Center (that's in the Lower Level—i.e. the Basement).
BBC News Europe: "Spain outrage over migrant bombing game: "Spain's main opposition party has provoked howls of outrage for producing a video game which invites players to bomb illegal immigrants.
A reminder that the CVGA closes at 4pm today, and is closed throughout the holiday weekend. We open again for regular business at Noon on Monday. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend!
A semi-regular round-up of interesting video game links from around the Interwebs.
A semi-regular round-up of interesting video game links from around the Interwebs.