David S Carter
Posts by David S Carter

Last week we received a donation of a Commodore 64 (actually a later-model Commodore 64C), including a disk drive, monitor and joysticks. All of which works, and also came with about thirty-five games.

I'd been pretty stoked about Mirror's Edge since first reading about it many months ago, but when I sat down to try to play it I sadly learned that I don't have the chops to effectively manage the controls (I got stuck on an early part of the training!) Yesterday I spent some time in the archive watching a student play Edge. I don't normally get too excited watching someone else play, but Edge was definitely exciting to watch.
As the semester has come to a close, the Comptuer & Video Game Archive will be closed for the intersession. We will open again at Noon on Monday, January 5.
The Computer & Video Game Archive is featured in an article in today's Detroit Free Press.

I bought a lot of Intellivision games off of eBay for the archive, which were complete in boxes with instruction booklets and overlays.

We received a donation this week of a TI-99/4A computer along with a case full of games. They all work great (except for the fact that the computer keyboard is missing the 'H' key!).

Yesterday was our Grand Opening Event. Food was eaten and games were played. Here are a few photos.

Yesterday morning we got our HP Blackbird 002 set-up in the game room (just in time for the Grand Opening!).
Professor Brad Bushman teaches a senior-level course on video games here at the University (crosslisted in Communication Studies & Psychology). Yesterday afternoon the class took a field trip to the Computer & Video Game Archive to play a bunch of games. The most popular games were Guitar Hero World Tour and MarioKart Wii; also popular were Mario Party, Halo 3, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Super Mario Bros.

One of our graduate students, Meredith Kahn, put together an exhibit of computer and video game items for the display cases in the basement of the Duderstadt Center. (The items are are mostly non-working or currently unused games; boxes/packaging; and books.)