Posts tagged with Recipe of the Month

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items
A loaf of bread on a plate.
  • Jacqueline L Jacobson
This month's recipe is "the Golden Loaf of South Carolina" from Sarah Tyson Rorer's 1899 _Bread and Bread-making: How to Make Many Varieties Easily and with the Best Results_ Rorer was involved in the Cooking School Movement, which advocated for standard measures and exact directions in recipes. While the recipe below is not as explicit as what a 21st century cookbook reader is used to, it goes into considerable detail compared to the average late-19th c. bread “receipt”
Opening lines of an 18th century poem about cider
  • Jacqueline L Jacobson
October is the month for apples, and for apple cider. This month's recipe is for a cider cake, a popular pastry found in many of our 19th century cookbooks.