Pam MacKintosh
Posts by Pam MacKintosh

The April display of Undergraduate Library books in the Shapiro Lobby is focused on news. We have selected books on journalistic ethics, the impact of social media on news, "fake news," and books about reporting of specific types of events or topics.

March is Women's History Month. Celebrate by reading books on women who changed the world. This display includes books about women across time and both famous and not-well-known.

Are you struggling to find something to read? Do you have a desire to read "great" or "popular" books? If so, check out some of these books that provide rankings and descriptions of "top" books.

February is Black History Month. The Shapiro Book Display will feature non-fiction books by black authors, in honor of past and current leaders, events, and movements. Be sure to stop by the lobby to see what's on display

Mark Dery's "Born to be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey" provides a detailed look at the life and works of author/illustrator Edward Gorey.

Need help keeping up with your New Years Resolutions? Stop by the Shapiro Lobby and check out our New Years book display.

Did the busy school year eat up all your time for leisure reading? No problem! The Shapiro Book Display will feature some of 2018's most popular reads, so you can still catch up on the books everyone's been talking about in the past year. Have a great winter break, and Happy New Year!

A new book on diversity and inclusion in higher education.

Heidi Waleson, opera critic for the Wall Street Journal, provides an in-depth history of the New York City Opera from its founding, through 70 years of ups and downs, and on to its declaration of bankruptcy in 2013 and the aftermath.