Posts by Sheila Garcia

Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Circle with text in the center that reads It's all about building community.
  • Sheila Garcia
What does it mean to evaluate assessment practices through a DEIA lens? Sheila Garcia, Resident Librarian in Learning and Teaching, shares her personal journey applying a critical lens to her capstone project that centers the experiences of undergraduate language brokers.
Image of an individual painting in a scribble drawing
  • Sheila Garcia
Sheila Garcia provides background information on the establishment of the Art Alliance and its aim to use art creation as a form of self-care during the workday.
Image of multiple people speaking, using letters from a variety of alphabets.
  • Sheila Garcia
In the first post in the Social Class in the Workplace Series, Sheila talks about multilevel code-switching, both what it is and why people do it, concluding with sharing her own experiences of multilevel code-switching.
Image of a drawing with two hands, with a hand on top cupping a group of people standing on the bottom hand.
  • Sheila Garcia
In this short post, PIPEline returns for the Fall term, starting by announcing our first blog series: Social Class in the Workplace. This post will explain the background of and set the context for the subsequent posts in this series.
Image of iceberg with the words "Arts, Language, Behaviours, Dress, Celebrations, Foods" visible on the upper half of the iceberg above water. Below water, text on the iceberg reads "Values, Customs, Roles, Traditions, Rules, Status, Beliefs, Thought Patterns, and Perceptions
  • Sheila Garcia
Sheila Garcia provides information on the familismo cultural value prevalent in Latinx communities and how an understanding of this value can better inform our library work.
From top-left to right, Jeff Witt, Anna Schnitzer, Stephanie Rosen From bottom-left to right, Jesus Espinoza, Edras Rodriguez-Torres, Sheila Garcia
  • Sheila Garcia
Welcome to PIPEline! Through this platform, we will share with the library community how our work intersects with these themes and how they have both shaped not only the work itself, but also the way we as professionals, view and engage with our work. Meet our primary contributors and get ready to follow our adventures (and possibly misadventures) along the way!